Tuesday, January 15, 2019

How To Get The Perfect MLS Fantasy Team

With just a couple of weeks to go before the launch of another season, MLS Fantasy managers will struggle to create the perfect team.

Here I’ll take a look at some of the issues MLS Fantasy managers should consider when making those key decisions on achieving success for Gameweek 1 and beyond. 


Numerous studies have shown that humans generally are happiest when a decision is made for them and at their saddest when they are presented with choice overload.
Often with so many options to choose from it is easier to go with the option that requires least thought. So as MLS Fantasy managers weigh up the best 5.0m defender options it can be far easier to simply opt for Atlanta United’s Franco Escobar, as he is promoted heavily by many regulars in the MLS Fantasy Scout community. Rather than analysing reams of statistics yourself, going for Franco and the crowd can certainly takes the pressure off, even if it is arguably a lazy way out.  A less lazy way of dealing with multiple choices yourself is to narrow down your options by focusing on narrow price brackets. Also avoid telling others your final team until the deadline has passed. This helps avoid letting other people make your decisions for you.


Even the time of day can affect our decision making. It is been shown that decisions are usually more accurate if made in the morning due to our natural serotonin levels being high at the start of the day. These help calm the brain, which in turn leads us to make more sensible decisions.


Research has shown that when we’re controlling ourselves physically, such as when we have a full bladder, we’re able to make better  decisions and less impulsive choices. Holding off on that visit to the bathroom may just be what your MLS Fantasy team needs.


Additionally, studies of CO2 in workplaces have shown that as  levels increase, our cognitive ability decreases. So if a room has poor ventilation there will be higher CO2 levels and consequently lower decision making amongst those in it. Your team’s best chance of success may just rest on whether your desk is by an open window.


So by now you’re probably thinking you should pick a team and stick to it. But studies have shown this could be the wrong tactic Out of 33 independent studies on students, who took multiple choice exams, only one showed that sticking with a first choice provided higher test scores. So changing your mind can, and usually is, a good thing.
However, this can go too far and making too many and constant changes can be detrimental to your team. A good tactic is to pick a team within the first week or two of MLS Fantasy opening and then leave it, revisiting only in the last week of preseason. This tactic avoids decision fatigue and helps keep your mind fresh. .
Of course all of the above are just suggestions, maybe you have your own, proven way of picking the perfect MLS Fantasy team. If you do please do share with the community in the comment section below. 

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